Douglas the Pug

So he’s got down syndrome and autism?

Just kidding. I love all dogs.

Fail dog >*

no wonder the poor little guy looks miserable

It was his halloween outfit !!

halloween or not, he looks miserable

this shit is so lame.

how the hell could you love a dog that looks like that, i mean seriously.

edit: really though, can they see properly or do they have wall eye? I am not even trying to be a dick, but the eyes don’t appear to have common focus, I really am curious.

lol… he isn’t always like that… we call him “wide eyed” …both his eyes go out and in…it makes me love him even more cause he is the cutest pup i’ve ever seen :slight_smile:

awwwwwwwwwwww dougie!



im not even going to say anything, because the last time i did i got a new title :frowning:

so when his eyes are out like that he is wall eyed like a fish? thats weird that they can be normal sometimes and fisheyed sometimes lol.

pugs are so ugly that it makes them cute!! I <3 Doug the pug lol

fish are like that cause they can be eaten any second of the day. A wide field of view keeps them alive. My theory here is just a plain ol’ extra chromosome.

I made fun of pugs and all I got was this stupid custom title!

Edit- Well, I had one last time I checked, haha.

maybe thats why asians don’t eat pugs? i thought that it was because they were small and lacked meat - must be they can’t catch them.

pugs are the dumbest fucking dog.

not true at all. they are pretty damn smart actually. doug amazes me with how much he knows/remembers.

i didnt mean how smart they are.

dogs, in general, are fucking lame.

now see i knew there was a reason my dog tried to maul you

newman, you are fucking lame