***Official Free whatever sites***

free sunscreen


Holy shit I’m going to get soooo much junk mail lol.

wow dude. you must be bored

Free gum :slight_smile: for members with some bad fucking breath


haha same here. but thats what my hotmail acct is for.

WoW dude you need to get your car running, but…

well earlier I Was doing it while on hold with nyseg for almost 3 hours, now we’re sitting around trying to figure out where we’re going tonite.

I make a new spam email addy every month and then just delete the old one. I sign up for easily 40 of these a month lol.

Free Glue anything to whatever the fuck you want Goop


everyone order one of those, and lets make some crazy fucked up sculpture.

Free Cleaning Pack


Free Candy for the little boys and girls


it asks you what type of business your in, I put vending and it accepted it.


You trade used cd’s for ipods

that seems kinda shady. it doesnt seem like they really clarify what thier deffinition of a good quality CD is

o and i figured out how to scam the Lacoste one…after you put in your info, it says ‘send one to a friend’ and you fill out the form again. as long as something is slightly different, it will send 2 to the same address. so for example, if your name is Chuck Norris, you fill it out as Chuck Norris the first time and then C Norrris the second time and it works.

but we all know that Chuck Norris is way way too pimp for Lacoste Colonge
___________insert Chuck Norris fact here

EDIT: i was at the mall today and they were handing out the little paper card colonge samples with the Lacoste stuff on it, and its actually really really good. using the above ‘trick’ every1 in my house (and some people that dont but as far as Lacoste knows, they live in my house now hehe) are getting some samples.

Chuck Norris’ sweat smells better than Lacoste

…according to the 34561236 women he raped last night.

(I had to make it bad ass somehow)

free salad tossing and reacharounds!


where ican i get a free balogna sammich?

whats the Priority Code for this I want one haha

haha…this offer is only good when you sign up for the community circle reach arounds.

Also there are free private elephant walk lessons given here


it now official boooooyyyyyeeeeee

good stuff :slight_smile: I signed up for a bunch of crap i’ll never need

Bump for more free stuff

hey i got that free razor yesterday and forgot all about it!