The Caz 13th Annual Car Show pics

haha you = neon guy!

i see you guys all the time your down the road from me

oh and :tup: to the :snky: in teh back of the shop it looks like its coming together nicely. is it a real one? or a kit? you know what im talking about not sure if anyone else does so i don’t want to say anything.

i always see your flamed up camaro too looks nice minus the valu paint job :tup:


OK, I’m lost

hes talking about a lambo.

Your friend is a ricer and an idiot.


I wish I woulda know… I woulda took a spin through in the stang

thats messed up, mike is a really nice and cool guy and his cars pretty sweet too for a tuner, its more for show.


What software does he use?


I hate when people refer to themselves as tuners because they put strobezzzzzz in…

“Pimp my Ride” != Tuner

lol junk

  1. That :bloated: hood doesn’t make him a ‘tuner’.
  2. His car isn’t pretty sweet for anything.
  3. Tuner has become the most incorrectly used term eVar.

yea and your lil preppy ass broke bitch… oo i drive a fuckin lotus oo im so fuckin cool, i dont understand you NY SPEED people, why can’t you just appreciate other people’s work, you always think your better than the average person. so what if he drives a neon and she drives a cavy. not everyone can afford to drive exotic cars, yea it must be nice to drive $50,000~$80,000 cars or whatever the you guys pay for them. some people like to drive riced out cars and some people drive monster fuckin v8’s. thats their lifestyle dont disrepect them, and most important, behind their backs knowing that if you seen them in person you wouldn’t say shit, you dont have to talk shit about someone or something to be mr. fuckin popular…

Newman… i used to think you were a cool dude… honestly your a jackass. all you do is say shit. im friends with adam and you and him both talk more shit then you could ever attempt to do. i respect your an engineer and your a smart dude. but honestly body work does take some time and effort. the guy has put his heart and soul into that and it looks pretty damn nice. he dident just bolt in a roll cage and slap on some rims. not to down on your cars cuz a lotus and an sti is pretty fucken sweet but some people do thier own thing and some people actually make it an artform/unique. your cars are like any other one out there. any one with 50k can do it. any sti guy has the same look. like i said not to down you but really give the guy some credit. he did this himself. he has gone above and beyond in the show scene. these cars arent mighty cars or bubble tea cars that go out to race and kill people on the streets wrecklesly. they are out to show what they have done and go to shows. i will say this… i will give people credit from the badass team with there wicked f bods to dos and his sweet project is300. or even the retard who has the sentra who smashed it up at mighty. yes. every one has an incedent. every one has there own thing but honestly. dont rip on some one just cuz some one does somthing one thing or another. AND NEWMAN you are one to talk with your looks. you dont see them going out and laughing at your style. your a mid 20s dude whos an engineer who dresses like a 16 year old punk ass guy. like i said not that im downing that im just sticking up for people who are there for others and are good people in general. maybe if you wouldent go by what some one drives, or what color their car is or that they have a body kit and turbo on it you would relize these people are great people if your friends with them. and ESP as for myke and his daughter. he loves that girl with all his heart. he would never do a single thing to ever hurt her or make her feel down. hes always about making her feel like a little queen. just like any father would. im not gunna come on here and say shut the fuck up or your a fucken tool. all im saying is respect what people do. respect peoples styles and honestly let people do what they want. you dress punkish whatever, dos dresses preppy, adam dresses punky, or whever whatever. so they dress that way. are you gunna make fun of them for that? like i say. people have there own style. people have their own ways. some people like it. some people dont. just honestly lay off . shut up and deal with how people really are. im not here to hate. and i know this will be responded to by 81329038190283901283901283012839013 people who are going to hate me after this but honestly. it will be worth it. why? every one has there own ways and they show it. i do . you do every one else does. be yourself and if your you it doesent mean your perfect. no one is.

summery… every one does their own thing. in the end let them be and respect their styles. :headbang:

seriously u need 2 get a hobby. sitting behind your computer talking shit bout peoples cars.
if u dont like show cars then y go 2 a car show?
belive me no one would miss u not being there. but actually no one even noes ur there cuz ur one of those quiet kids that dont say shit when there around, jus cant wait til they get home and gossip on the fuckin computer.
if i looked like u i would sit in my room and cry all night. but thats probably y u talk so much shit bout everyones cars, jus 2 boost ur self essteem because u know in ur mind that u are a pathetic NOBODY that wishes they cud get as much attention as these cars. lemme c u bring ur car to a real national car show and win first or second place like they do at almost every event. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
but what goes around comes around, so jus keep that in mind, bad things happen 2 bad people.


hang on. i need to think of 3 more sentences that will incite you guys to write 3 more HUGE paragraphs.

EDIT: but it’s definitely going to use the word “poor” alot.

WOW … this post just went WAY overboard …

you clownshoes should stop baggin on Newman … why dont ya just use the search feature on this site and the barf … these 2 cars have been getting shit on for years now …

why dont ya try pointing some of those posts out

WICKED FBODS and DOS is300!!!