The S gets more ass then I do! PICS

There is nothing wrong with girls jeans. WHY?
the dudes in led zepplin and black sabbath wore them. along with the guys in megadeth and metallica.

im not covering for any of you poorly dressed over the top queers rocking pants with flowers and fancy shit, but they are a cheap nice looking alternative to nice fitting jeans. Girls have more options. You can cop girls gap jeans for 40 bucks that look and fit like 150 diesel jeans.I am only partial to them because these days it is nearly impossibly to find mens jeans without that shitty worn in tattered look. im all about super dark jeans. Try to find a pair of low rise boot cut blue black joints in a mens store. its not so easy.

I also would like to say that I don’t own any girls jeans.

I steal girls clothing… and toss them on my bed… and sleep with them… so i can pretend i’m actaully sleeping next to a girl…

oh i hear ya on that one krunklemister… about the lame worn and tattered look… EVEN AEROPOSTALE SELLS THEM NOW!!!.. a true sign the trend is dead


runs away with can of gasoline.


I would pay that fat bitch to get off my car. :tdown: fatbitch

How the fuck did I miss this thread.


And when will I know, When the rash shows up?

yeah, that fam dosen’t fuck around when it comes to thin lizzy (no band).

on a different note, if that was my little sister being creeped on…

just sayin’.

I agree, Fam is important. Growing up with 2 older sister was cool yet shity because all the guys I tried pushing away were bigger. Lets just say I got my ass kicked in the begining but after understanding that all they know is right left right left you dodge the lame haymakers and hit them where it counts. Just look out for the knee to the top of the head, YEA that will put you down.

As for jeans…guys go to KOHLS. Way better then walmart and their prices aer lower. The jeans are awesome fitting, great quality and come in many colors…including super dark. And no I dont work for KOHLS, did I mention their are nice girls in there

i remember back in high school i had to get dressed in a hurry and run to the door of the parents house to see who the hell was there only to find the paper boy and not the rents…

then i looked down and saw that my jeans were not long enough…
WTF… i was wearing her jeans… but i did not stop at the mirror to check them out :smiley:
maybe i would have been ahead of a trend…

i bought his bike after he dumped it running from the amherst police.

who is this dtkim character? story?


DTkim did some stupid high speed shit on his bike, got caught, and I believe lost license. Back in the BTC days, hah.

Ha, kind of sounds like my friend About a month ago my friend took the cops on alittle game of cat and mouse on his bike. Lets just say 6 cats beat up the poor little mouse. and the mouse got a felony and 2 misdemeanors.

hah, ouch

DTkim did a lot more than that

yeah, I don’t really remember…just remember a funny funny thread.

So tomorrow is SUNDAY…you “pimps” get her # and one of you guys taking black shirt girl to the picnic?


wow she wasnt there surprise

What happened newman…beck? Ran outta pimp juice?

dtkim spent a lot of money on legal fees and fines… still had a liscence after
running from the police too.
i believe joes dad was his lawyer.

he also put a turbo on a probe, thought he was fast, then made a lot of excuses.
at least he did not put a sign on the back saying l8rjoe or anything…
oh, wait… n/m

[11:38] beckingtonsays: i messaged her asll day yesterday
[11:38] beckingtonsays: i got her to hang out
[11:38] beckingtonsays: but sunday she might be busy
[11:38] sprocketbash411: but i wont steal your thunder.
[11:38] beckingtonsays: good, dont steal my shit. yet.


pics or it never happened!