Time for another "What are you jamming to?"

josh fiedler YAH! I met him… a guy I used to work with went to some jewish event with him lol?

But there my favorite band I have seen themn perform in person many many many times its sad a great local band like them broke up… I think another year or so they were going places :frowning:

Mazarene - Antithesis

Tiesto-program 1

Type O Negative
Aphex Twin

Jon Check

Alright, i was going to post this a while ago but…


these guys are hilarious and ROCK! i thought the beer song was the only good one, but there is tons of stuff thats decent.


earlier today I had tom petty in the car. This weather is bringing it out

im going through a jackyl,hank jr and david allen coe phase.

David Allan Coe is the shit. Hank Jr, no. Hank Senior on the hand is the shit.

i somehow still like this song

Just found out the title name. good song

exactly the way things are today

Xavier Rudd, followed by Jack Johnson, with some Slightly Stoopid and to top it off O.A.R. and Dave Matthews Band

No link No care

new band called Revery… song called The Fall…i love this band

go find it yourself you crazy Dutch bastard :bigthumb:

That’s an insult.

synchronicity 2 - the police

Prodigy - Spitfire
Type O Negative - The Profit of Doom
Psyclon Nine - Crwn Thy Frnicatr