25 ways to tell you're all grown up.

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damn guess i’m officially an oldman at 22

i was just thinking the same thing. :lol

I just starting drinking again, lol. Almost 26. But there is a few of those I dont have. 6am is bedtime for me still.

Yup going to be 27 in October and according to that list…I’m officially old.

Fuck I’m only 25 and there were only a few on there that don’t apply to me

more like 25 signs to tell you’re a douchebag.

I am the polar opposite of nearly all of those signs.

Except 24. That’s just practicing good economics.

thats because youre very immature and havent lived in the real world yet without the comfort of mommy and daddies wallet.

23 and fucked, I fit a lot more of those then I dont. Hell Im already having bad back, hip, and knee problems. Futures not looking so hot for me.

I guess not, man.

I wish Siena had “Real World 101.” I’ll suggest it to the VP of Academic Affairs in September. You could probably even teach it if you wanted to.

you seem to be pretty proud that youre still are a child.

I certainly am enjoying it. I even changed my major so I get to be immature and childish for an extra year before I enter this so-called “real world.”

We do grow up too fast, I wish I could still live the way I did when I was 18-22

IMO, you’re just a college kid enjoying yourself. You have the rest of your life after college to be grown up and have financial responsibilities. Fuck what other people have to say otherwise.

Im an old fuck i guess…

I had bad back , hip and knee problems at 18 lol.

Lot of those didn’t apply to me. I can still eat wings at anytime and be 100% fine. 90% of the time I’m in front of a computer I’m at work but on shift. if you don’t know what time TBell closes you should just kill yourself; theres nothing better for a late night snack run

Taco Bell sucks. I haven’t eaten that garbage in over 5 years.

I still eat breakfast anytime because breakfast is the shit, but most of that list applies to me.

Oh wow I need to grow up