All that is MAN!

get out of our thread, whore!

  • Potatoes
  • Announcing a fart
  • Turning your pee pee in to a helicopter
  • Showing the helicopter to your woman

Are those cap guns in your back pocket? Any self respecting redneck (read: the dude in the ducks unlimited shirt) would whup a silly city boys ass for that…


they are cap guns. and i still got yelled at for having them.

i also got yelled at for unloading 15 rounds in 5 seconds. They did not like that.

I only got 52/100 on sporting clays. Last year I got like 78/100

If you were truly a man, you would have shot the instructor and took his Lone Star beer…


posting while taking a shit

IMing your roomate in the other room letting him know you are taking a shit

talking on your phone while taking a shit

making sure taking a shit is loud enough person on other end of phone hears it and asks you if you are indeed taking a shit while talking to them, and you lie about it while dropping another loud splashing terd.

^^^hahaha, i done that once, and fuckin farted in the toilet so it eckoed, funny shit

^ yeah thats always a classic. i do it on purpose lol. me and my friends are sick. “Slomies” once texted HotRodKid a pic of his poop in the toilet while i was with HRK, so in responce HRK went and took a hotdog bun into the bathroom, and texted back his dick in a hotdog bun. lol

You’re confusing this with the “all that is gay” thread.

all that is man.

–beer running down your chin to your gut in the hot summer.
-watching juggies run around the beach with^^
-waking up after having passed out in your own front yard and doing it again the next morning.
-chugging a beer while doing her from the rear.
-chugging a beer while busting her in the ear.

No one mentioned the obvious?



Pooping your underwear a little when you think it’s just a hot fart.

Ok,its time for me to bump this with the holy grail.


nyspeed to make fun of me

michael vick.
body slamming pitbulls.
electrocuting dogs.
bad newz kennels

ok, my manager told me this story…

her boyfriend cut his thumb down to the bone with a dremmel while trimming his fairings on his 76 harley. he doesn’t have health insurance, so he drank a bunch of whiskey and STITCHED UP HIS THUMB WITH A HOME SEWING KIT.


thats fucking sweet, pretty much on par with using a hot iron to seal up bullet holes. but that was in a movie. so thats pretty much the most BA thing ive heard in a while.

dude fucking WALKED away after the crash and was smiling and talking to the fucking emt’s. that’s a real man. carefully notate he hit so hard that his shoes came off.