Things you DON'T do that other NYSpeeders DO

Drink Alcohol
Eat Meat
Drink Coffee
Watch TV
Eat Dairy
Have sex with boys
Think newman is a jerk
Send junk pics to dawn
Have herpes


abide by every single law on the face of the earth

run a blow-out when I go out

have sex with ugly/fat girls

work behind a desk/computer

Not have a life

Prefer driving stick
Play computer games
Prefer being in a relationship
Make gay jokes involving skunk
Eat lettuce or chocolate
Drink beer over liquor
Own a honda
Hang out in parking lots
Drive a car
Think that my car is a selling point with girls, or that they give a shit what i drive
spend the majority of my money on a vehicle that i drive <10% of the time, and rock a POS the other 90%
have atrocious spelling and grammar

Have sex with boys
Think newman is a jerk
Send junk pics to dawn
Have herpes or be a virgin
run a blow-out when I go out
have sex with ugly/fat girls
work behind a desk/computer
Make gay jokes involving skunk

Hang out in lots
Afraid of women
Make friends online
Eat shitty foods
Be antisocial
Be in horrible shape
Be all around lame
Revolve my life around car drama
Argue pointless topics to death

blow lines
blow guys


being content

hard to say without really knowing everyone besides their online persona

drink alcohol
think newman is a jerk
not have a life other than cars
post 3532523 times a day
sack ride
touch little boys with promises of candy

stole a few but whatever…


Like cars

Generally Suck at life
Drive a Honda
take this forum seriously
drive a GTZ
think a GTZ is awesome
below poverty line

take shits in random places
jerk off to tasteless porn
infected with aids and bumps on my wiener

get owned when somebody removes “DON’T” from this thread’s title

Cry about cops.
Get drunk and request a ban.
Fail at life.

Pay for sex
Sit on the waiting list for newmans sack
Poop in the shower
Have the HIV and Herpe’s
Wear wooden shoes
Live is poverty
Play Warcraft

stalk women

make my user name about a shitty musician

misspell practically every word in the dictionary

care about people mis spelling