Esso, PetroCanada, Shell and Sunoco?

wouldn’t you feel more of a difference on a motor with less power? b/c it’s either gonna pull or not, a higher powered motor is gonna pull either way, just maybe not as much. do none of you put fi cleaner or any other additives in your gas? those NOS fuel boost can? think those work? i find the fi cleaner works if u use it every tank, gets expensive, but i notice my highway miles go up, it starts and runs better, as far as those octance boost they don’t do nothing i think. we don’t have this sunoco u talk of here, i use esso or shell, i noticed the difference inpetro, pretty crappy mileage and no power. but there is so many factors to facotr in, one of you guys might have new plugs, someone might have old plugs, gonna effect ur gas and power. air filter, stock vs k&n so many others. so to actually be able to say what does what, u would have to change ur plugs and air filter everytime u filled up to be able to really tell. put in ur car what makes it run the best. each motor is different. this is an endless battle, like the ka vs ca vs rb ect. no one has the time or the money or the equipment to put all this to the test so there’s no point in argue’n over it. shell 89 runs fine in my car. mohawlk or husky(has ethanol) seems alright on the highway for high km’s. but no power try’n to pass. esso and shell are fine. buddy sad he adjusted the timing on his ka, you wanna teach me that one???