no more sunoco

i been hearing rumors that sunoco has been bought by petro canada and huskey, has anyone else heard this?

petrocanada can suck a big one!!!111 one one one, unless they start offering 94 octane and no stinkin ethanol additives and stop selling shitty watery fuel.

If that is true… in fact sunoco should offer more gas stations…

actually petro owned sunoco in the first place and the’ve had a big conferencee about decided that they should just make it all petro canada, thats why some petro’s out of the city " i forgot where " have 94 octane, i know this because one of my machanics that have a petro canada shop has it posted up on his window for everyone to see

Petro Canada now offers Ultra 94, they are still using the Yellow and Blue theme at Petro Canada.

No love for Shell 93?

i have yet to find a shell station selling 93 octane :-/

I dont like sunoco’s 94. Shell 91 vpower,

eh go to the airport get the high octane from there if you can get the owner to sell it to you

Jet liner fuel is way too rich to fill up on. It’s an old school trick to use a cup or two with 91 octane.

Yes sir. It hasn’t been published it. It was the end of summer 09 one of Petro’s Chem Egns gave me the scoop. they have plans to completely phase out the name too which scares me because Sunoco’s name , it’s identinty is something that has stood for quality and you jsut don’t do away with that you know.

I work in a small town, and the sunoco turned into a petrocan this week. However they still have 94.

As soon as the sign changed, so did the prices. The sunoco price used to match the bullshit goco gas station across the road, now its a good 2 cents more /liter.

Just go to shell, vpower ! and it smells so good lol

So wait what? You put diesel in your car? …or do you mean you mix with 100LL

100LL is cheaper than a racegas but it smells weird

I use jet fuel sometimes in my ford focus , cleans everything out

Smells beautiful burned and unburned! Whats race gas cost and what octane?

We sell 100LL approx. $1.67… to aircraft of course.

vpower ftw

really is it a diesel focus cause that what jet fuel is

so who will preovide the fuel for the upcoming NASCAR season…?

motor sport 103 which is the closest equivalant 103 octane unleaded works out to about 3.32$/L