GBtires opening a real store? Hrm?

I’ve had a few friends go from strictly online sales to a store front and things have gone well, BUT mainly clothing industry… as mentioned before 2 of the hardest hit industries atm due to the economy is the auto and real estate, but those industries involve mainly big purchases.

HOWEVER tires would be categorized as a CONSUMABLE in my opinion… and even with a bad economy consumables ALWAYS sell and money is always to be made. Example would be some of my family has a toiletries/soap/personal products business but last few months actually posted record sales and I’m talking 6 digit figures. Also have friends and family in other consumable businesses, yet all the recession crap has not effected any of them.

On the other hand my gf’s brother in real estate is hurting atm… so my take on starting a business right now would be everyday usables/consumables are mostly safe.

Items like a house, a new car, investing… most people will hesitate to purchase atm. Things we need and use everyday are more on the safer side of things. Hope this bit of info/experience helps you decide which path you plan to take.

Something to consider would be a small shop. What I mean is something small enough to not break the bank but enough to hold some stock that you’ll have to buy etc. Start the first year with staying at your work and doing this on the side after work and on weekends. Most people that have $$ for this stuff have jobs anyways and would be coming after work or on weekends anyways. If your making good $$ at your job right now maybe consider someone that will answer the phones etc during the day if need to be. Goodluck with the business, sounds like your on the right track!!

Samson, it’d be pretty fucking cool but living at home and selling from home is better! You don’t have to pay rent! (Not sure if you’re paying rent right now) I assume you aren’t paying rent because you’re Asian just like me.

Why don’t you start with a nice actual professional looking website. That’d make things a lot better.

I think it’d be much better that way and you can still keep you tire costs down and be a lot more competitive.

Also, rather than having a store, do the website like I said but then offer delivery at a small charge too. I think that might end up working much better. Either way, I hope you do well and let me know if you need any help! I’m a 3rd year marketing student.


I just noticed that you already have a website. lol

tires are always in demand. but if you actually do it then you need to advertise to make up for paying rent somewhere. rent is what? 1k a month?

would your shop just carry wheels and tires?
if so, are you going to be stocking a lot of different brands of tires? different types of wheels?

another thing to think of is that riding season is coming up VERY soon and motorcyclists will also need tires very soon. will you carry their stuff too?

their is extreme wheels and tires in r-hill they arent bad gone their a couple times

I will just keep doing what I am doing: Buying tires from GBTIRES and refering all my friends and family to you bro. GOOD LUCK!! with the business!! I say either Markham or North york for sure!

Amen brother.


i think you should work in a business and learn how to run a business before taking the plunge and going and starting your own.

make mistakes at someone elses expense.

i like you, but you are not ready for this.

I would hold off on the idea for awhile actually, in all those areas you mentioned there are a hole shit load of tire dealers already, that will probably beat your prices on alot of things too, its a good idea, but you need to find a place that isnt all ready overpopulated with tire jobbers and the clientel should be expanded befor you start getting to deep. 2cents

I would definitely say to evaluate the option of going bricks 'n mortar carefully. One thing to consider is that you would most likely be signing a lease for 2 to 3 years on the store front and you want to make sure you have enough clients to fuel you through the first few years. Also I’d say you need a target market of more than tuners to keep you going year round.

I would spend sometime on the Ontario Small Business site to see if there are grants/financing to help.

Regardless I’m looking forward to being a future customer.

That’s my 2 cents

i would of said, get a storage place, and start stocking inventory, but continue to sell outta your home. You need a very big customer base to open an actual store. Plus meeting you in parking lots with cash, is so much more bad ass. lol. Either way you have my support.

I argree with Bing!!! I had my heart set on having my own shop, but I had no money and my family had no money to help me, so I team up with a guy who own a tire shop in scarborough and I realize it is not easy. Bills- Hydro- Gas- shop insurance-Rent- etc.

If you can’t make atleast $300 a day for 6 days a week with the clients you have it will be very hard, you will be paying out of pocket to stay in business.

If you can get a contract with a company or dealer with 10 or more fleets that will help you alot.

Try this first!!! sign up to criagslist and other car sites and advertise your tires, you will get alot of calls.

Thanks a lot guys!

I agree with Bing. I’m in an environment where I can learn how to run a large business and learn from there.

This was just to get some advice and input from SON240.

I really like my current job and I see a lot of potential to grow and climb. But many things can be unpredictable, you never know what may happen. You always have to plan ahead.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

ALWAYS good to have a backup…just to account for unknown factors in the future.

Thanks guys!

Always good to hear things from different members, keep the advice/input coming.

I’m coping this down into a word document for the future.

Thanks a lot guys!

I agree with Bing and many others. I’m currently in an environment where I can learn how to run a large business and have many people to look up to where they have extensive experience.

This was just to get some advice and input from SON240.

I really like my current job and I see a lot of potential to grow and climb. But many things can be unpredictable, you never know what may happen. You always have to plan ahead.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

ALWAYS good to have a backup…just to account for unknown factors in the future.

Thanks guys!

Always good to hear things from different members, keep the advice/input coming.

I’m copying this down into a word document for the future.

Hey Samson, are you still at IFSE?

Nah, my co-op was done at the end of summer.

I’m at CARSTAR now thanks to Bing :slight_smile: