Ghost ride tha whip..

lol. who on here is gonna try to ghost ride their whip first? :headbang: :bloated:

Hip-Hop Car Stunt Leaves 2 Dead
Dec 29 2:20 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


“Ghost riding the whip” _ a stunt in which a driver gets out of his car and dances around and on top of the slowly moving vehicle to a thumping hip-hop beat _ has gotten at least two people killed, led to numerous injuries and alarmed police on the West Coast and beyond.

A fad among devotees of a West Coast strain of hip-hop music called “hyphy,” the stunt has been celebrated in song and performed in numerous homemade videos posted on YouTube.

“It did not take Einstein to look at this thing and say this was a recipe for disaster,” said Pete Smith, a police spokesman in Stockton. “We could see the potential for great injury or death.”

Earlier this month, Davender Gulley, a ghost-riding 18-year-old, died after his head slammed into a parked car while he was hanging out the window of an SUV in Stockton, police said. In October, a 36-year-old man dancing on top of a moving car fell off, hit his head and died in what authorities said was Canada’s first ghost riding fatality.

The stunt has also led to numerous minor injuries.

Hyphy was born in the San Francisco Bay cities of Oakland, Richmond and Vallejo in the late 1990s, and devotees often hold late-night car rallies called “sideshows” where crowds perform risky stunts, including ghost riding.

“Ghost riding” refers to the absence of a driver. “The whip” is urban slang for your car. Typically, the driver drops the car into neutral and dances around and on top of the vehicle while it inches forward.

Sometimes it is a solo act; sometimes a half-dozen or more passengers get out and dance, too. The stunt is usually performed late at night, on a deserted road or in a parking lot.

The Vallejo-bred rapper E-40 introduced mainstream listeners to ghost riding with the single “Tell Me When to Go,” whose lyrics describe how to pull it off. Another single, “Ghostride It,” by Oakland rapper Mistah F.A.B., offers a step-by-step guide: “Pull up. Hop out, all in one motion. Dancing on the hood, while the car still rollin’.”

The antics have gone nationwide thanks in large part to YouTube, where a search for ghost riding turns up hundreds of grainy videos of young people pulling the stunt. The videos were shot from Portland, Ore., to Chicago and many places in between, and judging from the backdrops, the phenomenon has crossed over from the inner city to the suburbs.

Joe Calderon, 17, of San Diego, posted a YouTube video of himself dancing alongside his moving, driverless 2005 Mazda. “We love that style of music,” he said. But “my mom wasn’t too thrilled about it.”

Another video shows a man sitting on the roof of his fast-moving pickup truck and leaping clear seconds before it crashes into a telephone pole.

Where record labels see hyphy as hip hop’s next big thing, police see a menace.

Stockton police said they have written more than 1,500 citations and impounded about 400 vehicles since late March for sideshow antics.

The spontaneous nature of the sideshows _ which are staged on interstates, in deserted parking lots, and on downtown streets _ keeps police guessing. Departments have spent millions in overtime policing the outlaw rallies.

Even F.A.B. concedes that sideshows have gotten out of control. He said he would like to stage sideshows in large arenas where organizers could charge admission.

“It would be like a ghetto NASCAR,” he said.

IB4Newmancrashestheeliseintotheritz@4.5mph :lol:


welcome to 2005

the article itself is recent. :gotme:

hahahaha i love it, im going to be the first one to do it

Super Idiots!!! Anyone that does that needs to be ran over by there own vehicle

Like I always said…rap music makes people stupider. Not only do they speak like complete uneducated retards…they do this shit while listening to it.

Someone find a vid of Amish (sp) doing this lol.

Yeah fucking niggers, fuck those fucking fucks…


best artice I have ever read. Only because it references the best song ever made

It is nothing against black people at all. It is the way rappers talk and shit. Black, White, Asian, Latino w/e…thats doesn’t matter. It is their diction that drives me insane. No I do not speak perfect english, nor does anybody else, but the heavy ebonics are rather deplorable. Simple shit like when someone says “who is you” or “dis be” instead of “this is”, or dumb shit like “who do dis nigga think he be”…I hear shit like that all the time and its like…omfg. You speak english…at least attempt to make yourself seem somewhat knowlegeable about it when you speak it. Then you have all that shit like “dis, wur, thur, dem” etc. You can’t change the language because you are an uneducated illiterate moron. Yes, I know my spelling is not perfect…but I do not change the language to suit my lack of diction.



Get of Akron and get exposed to some real people.
I don’t care to type more of a response because it seems every 2 months or so you spout off more random ignorant bullshit

Mac Dre approves.

Um yeah I may live in Akron but I am exposed to “real” people. I hate ebonics…plain and simple. I hate the whole “gangsta” hardcore act that alot of rap fans portray. People can do and say what they want, I’m just saying I dis like this. It is hard to carry on a convorsation with someone when you can not understand wtf they are saying.

kinda funny how that works

Wow haha you are sooo clever. :bloated:

Oranges and apples.

both are life styles, how is it oranges and apples?

We are not talking about a religious debate…we are talking about the way ebonics slaughter the English language. What you said was completely irrelevant. If you do not have an argument to prove a point, do not try to change the subject and twist it around.

:eyebrow: wow this is only catching on now. its been done, ask NA king about it. I was a witness along with a red hatch owner whose name we do not speak of.

Yes, yes, also many other great things happened that night that we won’t bring up either…OH BOY!!!

so what about the dumbasses that slice their wrists over nirvana?

so many racist pieces of shit on here it’s dumbfounding.

lol…How is me saying I don’t like ebonics racist? I have friends of many ethnicities.If I don’t like someone, it has nothing to do with their skin color, or where they come from…I don’t like them because of the way they act and treat other people. I do not hate people who speak in heavy ebonics…I just don’t like the way they talk. Wow…I love how people fail to grasp even the simplest concepts on this forum. You all seem to think that you have to welcome everything about someone or hate them as a whole.