help with a scent...

Curve Wave :tup: yes its curve, but its a lot different. nobody can spot it and i <3 it. im also a big fan of the original abercrombie stuff

Aqua DiGio is the best cologne ever made.

We need a new subforum within offtopic called Extremely Metrosexual Threads.

50 scent.

Holy shit I’m agreeing with Rubicant . . . . my bottle just ran out though.

Goodlife from Davidoff(cool water peoples)

I just ordered some off the eGay, can’t find it around anymore.

I love the stuff, nothing else Ive tried since has compared. If you can get a tester tube online or something I highly recommend it :tup:

and yes the aqua would be my close second…

yeah, my honda-tech nerd brother just walked in last night and was like WTF

Sex Panther!

to be honest with you, brian… it smells like pure gasoline

Kirra from Pac Sun…haahaaaa Sex Panther…its made from bits of real Panther…So you know its good

“It smells like bigfoot’s dick…”

60% of the time it works all time.

very sexy for him


That doesn’t make sense.

Try Right Guard (not extreme) spray

smells great, like you just got out of the shower.

all day

Armani Mania is my fav for guys

Joop is good too!

i’ve got this ‘candy’s for men’ or some shit and it’s pretty nice.

Joop is way too strong for me, that shit makes my eyes water from across the room.

Hugo FTW!

lacoste essential FTW!

I have a job in sales and I have been experimenting with calogne for some time now. If you want to smell good for your own personal enjoyment, disreguard the following.

That being said, I personally don’t care much how I smell because I can’t smell any calogne 5 mins after I apply it so meh. This began as I noticed that, when wearing some of my more expensive junk, people, men especially, would be drawn close in conversation, then back away. So I went without. Now men were okay, but some women would back away after getting close. (my deodorant is detectable, arm & Hammer or degree) I then began tests with the cheap shit. Axe, Brut, Old Spice, Lectric shave, English Leather. Amazing, I could get people to violate my personal space. I settled on some cheap stuff called American Crew.

My theory is that cheap calogne reminds people of their fathers. There is no one sexier to any women than her father. Most men have a positive image of their fathers.

BTW, most people wear WAY too much calogne. Whenever I go to a bar, it is like a physical assault on my olfactories.

My $.02