I love being a newbie

Hello All…

For those of you who made the trip to Carlisle last week, you may remember me as the tall guy who didn’t need a ladder to hang the NYSPEED banner on the pavilion. It was great hanging with you guys and I look forward to future get-togethers.

For those who didn’t make it, I’m from Rochester and was brought on board by ZWARBYT. Today, I’m driving an almost bone-stock 2005 STi. It’s my dd, so I’m going to be pretty conservative with it when making future mods. More than likely I’ll go with a tbe and the AccessPORT within the next few months.

Thanks - Peace.

Oh, how could anyone forget you…

Thanks for hanging up my banner…

I just realized, that could be taken in an extremely homosexual manner.

I’m just saying - he’s really tall.

This banner? :gay:

Welcome dude, you on buffaloscooby.com ?

lol, welcome JGG




why dont i remember a tall guy… hrm

everyone seems tall when you are on your knees.


ohh man good one.


welcome :wave:



If you don’t remember me, i’m the one who stole your valve caps for the show… shipping address?

welcome :wave:

GOD DAMNIT I WAS GOING TO WRITE THAT. either way its a good zap

i admit. that’s a good one.


Originally Posted by newman
everyone seems tall when you are on your knees.


yea thanks for putting that banner up, we coulda used u again the 2nd day haha