Introductions - New users please post intros here

^ Own’d :stuck_out_tongue:

hey guys my name is tariq
i have just got around to creatin a user for myself as i used other ppls b4 this
i have bought a 240 off this forum and am about to put it on the road so i thought i might as well make it official by making a user lol
i hope to catch one of the final track days with the new car
so yah hi

my name is Ettore, i live in oakland, northern california - I have a 1992 240sx SE, stock, got it February this year…
Right now I’m looking for new rims and tires…

WHY? wanna go for a run?? i dont promote street racing take it to tha track:wink:

yeah man lets go for a rip. i dont premote street raceing ither…

…just street drifting hahaha

whats under the hood little lady?

Hi im Jay. Im looking to sell my 240 and buy a new one

hey my name is Will Smith and i just turned 18…bought my first 240 last month and is in pieces in my garage…ordering my sr in the next couple days and plan to have the car on the road for next summer

Welcome, It’s always nice to have a celebrity on the boards, even though they have huge ears…no reason to lie about your age though fresh price, this is not Bel-Air.

This reminds me of:

actualy i ment what motor is she running…

but i love that pic lol

Hey I am new to the club and don’t actually drive a 240sx, I ride in a stang haha. But my freind is starting to get into working on his own car with my help and he drives a 240sx.

hey Im new to this forum
so heres a intro
im bryan and im 16
ive helped my cousin work on his car for some time.
I never did any of the “hard” stuff but im helped with interior stuff like panels seats steering wheel and shopboy kind of jobs.
so ive been doing many random jobs to save up some cash to get my own s13
but Ill probably wait till im 18 so the insurance goes down…unless i find a deal that i cant resist…
hopefully i learn some more about s13 and engine work before i get my own ride.

nice to meet you

Well im really hoping to learn more technical jobs and maybe abit about ems and stuff like that if i can handle the engine stuff first


Ko-san, have a look around the tech section as you can find alot of useful info. But you need to be able to weed out all of the garbage and sarcasm posted be a few members such as Mark (fobwall) and myself.

Oh, and Wilkommen!:beer:

ok thanks
well im just gonna browse around for now
since i dont have my car yet…
im gonna look into the insurance cost more in detail soon
but im not in that much of a rush since im still working up couple grand for a s13(hb hopefully)

Hey Guys… new here (of course) my name is Mike… i am obsessed with the S13 coupe its my favorite one and i am looking to buy one to start a project build so if anyone is selling let me know. Other then that i am 24 and living in Ajax right now driving a beater civic as i just sold my 400HP SRT4. It was nice but Front wheel drive sucks… plus i love drifting and i allways wanted a 240 coupe S13 style.

the ins. dosent go down when you hit 18 that much buddy lol

and the best way to learn is by doing it.

ya thats what alot of people are saying so if I find a cheap 240 then ill get it
so I can try some mechanical jobs.
I agree that you need to do it to learn it. Before I helped my cousin with the small interior jobs I had NO clue what I was doing. after I tried a few times i got the hang of it.
thanks for the advice

any time, it took me 2 cars to fix one the right way. and im still learning i think everyone still is.

hey guys, well ive never owned a nissan before. this is my third car, and hopefully i like it as much as my last two. i was going to buy another ek, but it wasnt much of a DD, so i went to my friends shop, to look and cars. I saw this 100% stock Silvia, and thought to myself hey, its nice, and than i sat it in, and omg, it just clicked.

here are some pictures, should be driving around Mid next week.