kingsario's first kill of the year......Viper anyone?

I got the call last night about the high HP civiiiic at southgate. I was in the middle of fixing my daily shitbox, which ofcourse took much longer than expected, but when I was done I rolled by Southgate around 1am just incase ne1 was still around but everybody peaced already.

this year should be real good for vids…Joshs new HD cam is gonna be amazing for racing!

so u wana explain how a civic with almost the exact same setup went 11.3 on street tires in the 1/4?

who knows what the new firehawk numbers actually are?


new? :biglaugh:

oo the big boat with a turbo on it

eh. you can ride mine too… i’ll be down to race the viper in my elise in about a week.

turbo elise FTW

Boosted K20 Swap FTW

Boosted K20 Swap w/ a grill FTW

you better get your shots in soon ladies, becuase the paxton may go on sooner than expected.

grey civic > stock block blown viper


Sorry Mark, but…

newman will be wearing his new grillz??? :stuck_out_tongue:

this year is gonna be fuuuun make sure everybody holds off a week or so so josh can get his camera in :tup:

marcus i thought u got your car finished a few weeks ago?

so will you guys by other vipers :cry:

I think it will be a good run no matter what … i think both you guys are pretty cool …

from a dig ill take the viper … from a push … i cant even make a judgement … but i do know one thing … ya cant sleep on high HP light weight hondas from a push

I guess there is always someone faster

Hpe the civic can push 140mph because I am not racing 40-90 if you know what I mean:pimp: