Look I'm back!!!

wow… nice looking ‘thing’ you have there hun! gotta lift that up to see it huh? if that’s what floats your boat…

nasty old manboobs!! LOL awesome

1 word…photobucket

welcum back.

man boobs? who said they were man boobs? dont you ever make fun of my sisters boobies

thanks Chris! How ya been? How’s the balt?

Been good, lookin at a promotion at work and should finish up my degree at school in the spring. Life’s good.

The daily driver (cobalt) needs brakes, but it still stops so I will be putting that off for another month most likely. :lol

GOOD FOR YOU!!! paul took the wing off his and just put tranny mounts on it… now we have to replace his stolen GPS before any other mods… which blows but oh well…

LOL wow… not only is your sister hairy and going gray but she shows you her “boobies” too?? i’m sorry… really I am…

Good, I hate that high rise wing. I wouldn’t have bought mine if it had one on there.

it blocked the lights at night but it was flimsy and ugly lol I hate the cobalts… quality is awful of everything inside and out… his car has been worked on so much more than my 2004… lol

Mine’s been reliable as sunrise, only thing I had go wrong was a leaky axle seal but GM covered that under warranty.

It is pretty cheap though in terms of ergonomics, but as far as reliability it’s been pretty good so far. About two and a half years old and 38,000 miles.

Paul drives WAY too much. It’s his job though… at least he’s not going down to South Carolina and West Virginia every week like last year! He’s out near Buffalo this week then heading to Trenton/Philly for a few weeks. Lots of travel high way miles on his… we’ve replaced the front and rear axle numerous times… as well as the tires… but those only because he loves those turns and round abouts out near us! lol


What Kramer a little eye candy never hurt anyone besides blame Benny he wanted a pic of tits

fuck you man thats just disgusting i almots threw up in my mouth!!!

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl mission accomplished

i wish i could negrep[ you 2x in arow thats fucking nasty

aaaaaahhhhh stop being a lil bitch

lolllllll fuck your hairy mantits you POS