sssmokinnsss, the long awaited pics


there ya go

oh my fuckin god ,what he do leave a u joint loose ???


nevermind ,closer examination reveals broke d/s at yoke prolly due to inprpoer u/joint install ,or cracked yoke

shit go BOOM pete wheres the video?

one sec

the interview-

Hahah rofl

Who welded the exhuast, it looks like shit.

Redline i think

morgan: driveshaft just broke
cameo: it did?
morgan: oh yea lolz

haha! so true!

hey Cameo what happened

oh man come on ,


pete ur a fuckin clown

how’d you do that?
cameo- puttin down good numbers dood

dude i cant stop laughing right now :rofl :rofl :rofl

cameo=my hero

and pete GTFO my avatar. go back the the M :excited

he does realize thats only 10 more than stock ,

cameo is the man

ps where is he? pete call him and tell him to jump on the interwebz

it untuned dood