LVD Opening Night for Wednesday Test and Tune

Gonna bring the garage queen out or what??

Ha thats doubtful

illl be there with mike (buick grandpa car) and tony (orange mustang)…so far thats it…

I think Im gonna go when do the gates open 4? or something along those lines.

I am pretty sure they open at 4 and start racing around 5-530. Some thing along those lines

I may.

racing at 6 but they never start on time

I’ll be there

I’ll go if somone has a spare set of axles for my car.

Im shooting for 10’s tomorrow!! WOOT

I’m shooting for low 17’s! WootFailWoot!


some people work.


I’ll be there in my failmobile… May be I’ll run my pump gas map and see where it’s at… I’ve never ran it on pump.

ill be out next week if the weather holds up

I might go … just to watch.

I’m working on trading in my vehicle tomorrow for a new(er) car, if the numbers all work out.

I don’t think I’ll be racing it with ZERO miles on it though - LOL.

cars junk

I’ll take a rain check.

quoted for later use :excited

good luck bro!!