needed: "most likely to..." type automotive catagories

Most likely to e-threat

most likely to never finish a project

Most likely to get thrown over the hood of a car

Most likely to get hit by a semi

Most likely to have someone double park in an ambulance zone, further hindering his resusitation.

Most likely to go back to trying to break 10’s in the 1/8 in a saturn.



Most likely to come out of the closet

Most likely to sell out

hahahaha ^^^

most likely to be living with their mom 4e.

most likely to cure aids.

most likely to never make it through a season without blowing.

most likely to talk a big game but never put up in: racing, fighting, racing, racing:

most likely to be found out is a troll.

most likely to have 10 children.

most likely to attack spelling errors.

most likely to throw parts at their car, but never seem to get them working correctly, and go 2yrs as slow as stock with $5gs under the hood :bloated: :rant:

most likely to purposely mod a car to look worse than stock.

Most likely to never own a new-ish daily driver because of expenses on old cars.

Most likely restaurant to break front bumpers





Oh yeah bitch it’s ON!

most likely to hit more then one deer

Worst post by a noob/lurker

Most likey to follow behind a truck an wait for things to fall off an then sell them on here