NYSPEED official bike meet?

check indysuperbikes for a damper fool… 369. brand new.

There’s NYSPEED in Florida?

Ugh. Woke up late and went to the casino for a poker tourney at 11pm.

Riding home in the storm at 5am sucked.

yea AND motorcycle rentals… i post pics later :slight_smile:

LOL can’t wait.

so its finally nice out after the last few days of crappy weather… anyone in for a cruise later after work say 6ish?

his name is joe btw

Ill probably be going to the bike night at the Fair. If anyone else is up to go, PM me.

I’M THERE. I’ll bring my HUFFY.

What time and what does this mean? Anything cool for riding a bike?

Edit: Found it. Does this mean additional riders are $5 or what?

Biker Day at America’s Fair is sponsored by Ray Laks Motorsports

Come to the fair on your motorcycle and admission is just $10, including preferred parking on the track. Additional rides are $5. Enter the Fair off of McKinley Parkway near Clark Street.

Yeah I just realized they are charging to get into the bike show, So i’ll most likely take a cruise out to Ellicottville

Anyone up for a ride today? Really nice weather outside.

gonna be nice out tonight… who wants to go riding?

im down… where and when ya thinking?

I get out of work at 5:30, Will. You know I’m game.

i’m up for a ride, i got a guy coming to look at the car around 8:30 or 9:00, but I can meet up with you guys sometime if your out

I’ll meet you up at Mighty tonight if you wanna ride, Chris. You know the #, just call.

alright sweet

well if anyone is up for another rider let me know where and when or ill pm my cell or something…

Im have to swing by a clients house and then Ill be at shred and regan… find me.