nyspeed xmas gift (eoy 07 vid)

Haha, Ill have to check it our if I can a quicker connection somewhere. I want to see the scion love.

Yes! you cant hear me missing gears, and u cut it off while i was still door to door with bladez lol perfect!


^LOL mike, i was ahead of ken in the clip of us 2 HAHAHA

def wasnt too much footage this year…

yea yea yea :blah: just cuz i have traction issues :frowning: lol <3

Second shot… w00t w00t

True and true… cant wait till you can start logging a lot more video all over.

great vid


ugh it was so nice to finally, after years, hear what my car sounds like from the outside at 1:45 in…

and LOL at the horrible hoppage at the finale…who was the horrible driver in that last scene? :gotme:

idk if that crx is me or elmisterio

LOL! hoppage or jackhammer, you decide…