Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Probably just got a stick up his ass :lol

yeah a real big stick too thats all he does and he bitches about everything

Tokina 11-16 F2.8

oh shit son, i own this one.

Im still getting used to the keys on the side. I never look at the keyboard, so I usually do everything by touch when i first sit down, and I keep placing my hands on the macro keys on the left… i keep forgetting they are there

I did the same thing when I first got mine (G110), took a week or so to get used to it.

i take it yall are attached to the same unit?

i always touch myself when i first sit down… i never even look anymore

did that too

Yeah, we are. We are also cousins haha.


Now thats some nice glass

Pretty sure those two lesnes are what all 3-4 of my “good” lenses cost :rofl

lmao, what you u with and where you statioed??

Serial to bluetooth adapter to connect my megasquirt to my phone ftw!

That’s sick

fuckin a right dude!!!

Bought a set of these…

Put them on the Silverado.

Nah. Were selling it as soon as the front bumper gets fixed

Better do a HUGE burnout and get it on tape first