Post pics of your ride in snowy situations

you mean the rear 1/2 panels :lol:

October Storm

Holy shit. It has an El Caminoesque look to it.
A car so awful to drive that it deserved it!

Last year

the cell phone is strong in this thread

that was a fun night. who’s the handsome guy in your passenger seat smoking classy expensive cigarettes?

that looks so sick where was that first pic taken, just on a normal street or was it like an old backroad

It’s my buddy’s ex g/f’s driveway it’s got this great S turn I love to drift. He’s actually on the outside of turn 2, I wish I had the full video :frowning:

wow id be in trouble if that was my drive way haha

at 5 degrees…

just cross posted from the drift meet

jj is that first pic the church parking lot where me, amanda, and missy used to get drunk in the legacy?

ill take pics of my teg tomorrow, just cleaned her today but she’ll be dirty by morning

Nope. I’m not sure if I want to hear anymore about this church parking lot. :uhh:

Ahhhh the Legacy. My first AWD car. It took such a beating from us!

It was behind the BK and Tim Hortons in EA.

ahhh yes. nah nah nah JJ nothing like that went down haha


Sitting in the driveway after opening my road, October storm (tree branch I pulled out from under the truck still in front of it).

And the trail I opened down my street.

Does a photo if the car sitting in the garage under a cover while I stand outside in the snow count? :lol:

^^ sure :smiley:

I’ll have more tomorrow…

If you put a snowball on the cover or next to the tire it will count.