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Its fully doable.

Drive out of the corner is everything. Corner speed and the right passing line.

I’m pretty sure that its commonly accepted that hp and E.T.s don’t matter as much on the road course. :slight_smile:

I made a C6 Z06 put his blinker on and he HAD to let me by at Mosport DDT. He got the blue flag, its on camera too! Hahhaha.

Good job dude, it always feels good to finally enjoy all the hard work that goes into building a car. Its been a long time sinve I’ve built a car and enjoyed it but I do remember how good it feels. I’m hitting the Cayuga road course on Friday afternoon and SMP long track on Sunday if you’re interested. It would be good to have another S Chassis to mess around with. My car is setup more for drift right now but its more fun to do time attack that way! Hahha, all loose when its goosed. Love it! Keep up the pics and progress reports.

Wicked time for that track BTW.

Come on out this weekend!!