singh vs sholtes (internet gangbanger)

if you cant take a joke on the internets, then you dont belong there in the first place


Sweet crooked ass tattoo. BTW that looks like it was done with a sharpie just sayin.

Dudebrochode just sounds like he’s tall and skinny, not “built” by any means, he should listen to Singh

I do not has understand.

Lol. Both these ****** are my boys. Stop bickering

I thought it was sharpie at first

For his sake lets hope so… if anything like that was permanent on my body I’d be taking roids and hitting up golds.

I don’t know this sholtes kid either, but by the amount of times he has used the word “bro” and referred to his collegiate sports accomplishments I hate him

I really hope he didn’t pay for someone to put that on his body.:retardclap

ROFl at the midgits in turbins comment.

Singh, your not allowed to use magic carpets or any voodoo shit when too tall comes at you, as per the Americanized Indian handbook… unless of course, he is in clown face when the attack occurs.

play fair.

BTW, the new song about 2talltats rocks the PJB TNT Christmas song,was this the motivation?

I got up this morning and did my thing normally until i burst out laugjing in the shower when i remembered this thread, the kindergarden type block font tatt, the double sports, and of course the goon squad clown face lolllll

Shift is great


Hey singh your small, Cody your small, Leo your small, Pete your cheap, I am small, pretty much everyone on here is small so can we all just be happy skinny small weak chodes and lock this thread, its hurting my head.

Do not lock this thread. I literally have been laughing out loud in the fucking campus center at Harvard.

Sorry dude but i am far from small haha 300 lbs and 5’10" suck it beeeatch

OMG this is hysterical

That tattoo is horrendous…

First off I hope its not real, seriously it looks like my daughter wrote her first blocky letters on your back in sharpie

Secondly, I hope you dident pay for it if it is

Thirdly, why get your name on your back brah?sick of dudes not remembering your name while your getting butt slammed?

Lol shady. Ef ya get butt slammed

Oh and singh will fuck yo shit up… Seriously kids quicker than Ali…

