im not resizing that, because the hugeness of the picture illustrates the hugeness of his homogayness.
Resizing that photo would have made me happier, other than that the content sux, and is disgusting.
On another note peel open your wallet you republican childmolestor and take it to e-fighting, cheep ass! :slap:
Who gives a fuck :jerkit:
just because you think you can box doesnt mean you can step right into the ring with Muhammad Ali. Sorry kid. You gotta earn your stripes.
now here is a man that has earned his stripes. Too bad they are brown, and start as his bellybutton and end at his chin.
who gives a fuck
I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
easy there cowgirl.
how quaint.
and those would be?
Booooo yaaaaaa.
hahahaha… you kill me! :bigok:
I was drunk…what do u want me to say?
you look fucking 40 in that post!
no offense to the 40 year olds out there kekekeke
Fuck u and thanks for the laugh bitch!..and this is any better…
a pot head at his finest
uh huh :greddy: