Is a durango close enough to an explorer? Asking a bit more for my durango though so would you be willing to throw in some cash to make up part of the difference or are you looking for a straight up trade?

info on durango

im actually looking to trade for any jeeps too

Flexible on the price a bit so if you’re willing to throw in a few hundred we could probably work something out.


i might pick this up for some fun ill let ya know

no thanks i dont want a v8

yeah jus lemme know. if u wanna take it for a drive when i am at sg u can

bump any for any trades like jeeps or explorer

bump still for sale

Come on…take my explorer!

Niiice e30. If non of these folks are panning out, there’s a few people over at r3vlimited looking for 318s at the moment. GLWS.

just tell them its sold to me

I cant do tht yet

[quote=graphicrage;1069853]Niiice e30. If non of these folks are panning out, there’s a few people over at r3vlimited looking for 318s at the moment. GLWS.[/

thanks ill have to post it up there

why cant you i thought we agreed on the 12th?

sold got a jeep