SON240SX celebs

Damn you Mark, lol made me rofl, and fyi…he is a jew LOL

Mark (Fobwall): Funniest Guy and his car is so cool it requires cardboard
Dan (Osad): Tall, Awkward, very Homosexual, and wants to put a big bird doll in his already bright yellow car
Bing: Man who makes the big meets happen
Gautam (Gonad): he’s the duct tape of the site; has a light side, a dark side and holds the site together :stuck_out_tongue:
Brandon: Drifts in parking lots and tells off cops like its nothing
Sasha: drives a really really sick S14 from what i saw lol
Duck-Jai: hes the tires go-to guy
Benson240sx: the only guy who made me think he was chinese then switched it on me -_-"

thats my list lol