stupid americans

this video was posted in the 240sx forum and i HAD to bring it over here. i really dont understand how these people can be so dumb and ignorant.

haha that was great i saw a part of it before when they point out the countries on a map

“How many sides are there in a triangle?”
>> “There are no sides… one?”

“In terms of the war on terror, who do you think should be the next country to invade”
>> “We’ll make a big blast crater out of the fuc*en Middle East for all I care”

“Turban thing… I call it the diaper head”

This one’s for you assass1n:
“Star wars is based on a true story, true of false?”

>Whatever he(President Bush) thinks is right, he’s from Texas, he’s got to be right"


wow… i know it’s edited to reflect onlly the 4% of dumbasses in the states… but wow… i pretty much could answer most Q’s w/o thinking.

Are those people incredibly stupid? Sure. Are they American? Yes. Does that mean Americans are stupid? Um, no. I love it how Canadians can post a thread title like this and not think it’s deeply offensive, yet they wouldn’t DARE post a thread called “stupid Indians”, or “stupid Chinese.”


its just funny how they answered the questions. even jay leno did this a few times and got really funny answer to questions about america’s history.

oh stop being such a stiff ass. i did not generalize the americans as idiots in any way, you only interpreted it that way. 90% of my family are americans so why would i say that americans as a whole are stupid?

There is, and always has been, so much hypocrisy and animosity towards Americans here in Canada, so no, I wasn’t misinterpreting. Again, would you ever make a post called “stupid Chinese?” Are you so simple-minded as to think that a thread title like that WOULDN’T be misconstrued?

For the record, I despise political correctness… but I loathe these kind of blanket statements even more. You’re right, you didn’t generalize them in your post, but you did in the thread title.

Problem is, here in Canada, that kind of attitude towards Americans is acceptable. Therein lies the hypocrisy. We praise ourselves for being open minded and accepting, but because Americans are not a race and it’s popular to hate on them, everyone does it guilt free. If you weren’t doing that in your post, then I apologize for the the accusation, but NOT the interpretation because it’s all too common here.

have you been down to the states? personally speaking it is neither the culture nor the specific type of people i can’t tolerate. what i cannot stand is the ignorance the culture breeds. if you haven’t been in airport and called a terrorist simply because i’m brown, nor asked repeatably why we don’t have igloo houses in tdot, or the fact that they wont accept that north America is also shared with Canada & Mexico.

it’s not only the citizen of USA, it’s also the president and their policy. dont get started on the hypocrisy of the lumber trade nor the fishing industry. it’s all b/s. i find it odd that Canada being of Usa’s major trading partners for several key industries, agriculture, industry, and natural goods. the president has made about 2-3 trips to Canada. and yet will pay more attention to how to create a mess else where.

if it sounds like a duck
if it looks like a duck
it’s a duck.

Not only have I been to the US many times, I’m a dual citizen, so yes, I think I have an idea as to what I’m talking about. You’re right, there are a lot of stupid, ignorant people down there who do and say exactly as you mentioned. But you’re just as ignorant if you think you can apply that experience to the country as a whole. You do realize they have more immigration from India, China, etc. etc. than we do, right? Ignorance like that you speak of is born from certain areas in the states, JUST LIKE in Canada! Think we don’t have bible-thumping, narrow minded right wingers in Canada? Think we’re better than them? Think again, and if you use your experiences to judge an entire nation of 300 million (spend some time in NYC, LA, Chicago, SF, etc. and then tell me all Americans are like that), then you’re no better than those you condemn.

wow. that video was something else.

i couldnt belive that people didnt know that the big island all by it self was Australia.
“i didnt know south korea was so much smaller” refering to Tasmania island.

ya they must of edited it to get all the stupid answers out of it, im sure there were lots of inteligent people that answered correctly.

I think everybody takes thies jokes against other people to seriously… we all need to settle down and laugh it off

meh… life goes on, ti’s to short to argue. lol