Subaru Blasphemy

Manchester Subaru sucks. They think they can sell this for $90K. I’d rather buy a R35 Skyline. :ponder

Chassis rigidity? What’s that? :rofl

I just threw up

Is there a build thread or anything? Looks like dog shit, but I dont care for vert anything really.

I <3 the new Imprezzas/STi’s

No build thread. Rumor is Manchester Subaru contracted West Coast Customs for the defilement.

This is why kids with flatbrims shouldnt touch cars. :facepalm

That looks like crap. The boot over the top looks especially bogus

The worst part is that somebody is gonna buy it. There is an ass for every seat.


wow not only is that retarded, but it looks like shit. The top doesn’t even fit well.


I like the front end of that Subaru…Only the front end.

No worries, this is America. I am sure someone will think it is dope and will pay 90k for it…that is if they can actually fit in the car :rofl

WTF lol at least theres no funny gaps or crinkles…oh wait

I can deff see this in the next 50 cent video

well that was a nice car till they screwed it up

that’s just wrong. subarus have enough problems already.

looks like a PT cruiser ragtop with a wing.

i was really hopping not to be the first person to say this, all i could think is pt cruiser, and wow that top fits like horse shit.

It just looks odd being a 4 door convertible.