who is "To Low 07"??

So I was IM’ed last night by this scumbag. It (assuming that this person is neither male nor female) said that I was a loser and that I should “get of nyspeed”. Now, I’m not arguing that I’m a loser, because that’s really a matter of opinion. But why the fuck does this person care if I post here or not…better put, why do they care so much about what I do at all that they want me off here? I didn’t do anything to offend anybody (unless Newman took offense to that “attention whore” comment…which was meant in jest.)

So what gives? I figured that if I really wasn’t wanted here, some of you people would man up and just tell me out in public, or even try to have the mods ban me or something that at least makes sense.

So if you’re reading this, “To Low 07”, learn how to spell, and show yourself here. OFF has 2 F’s and your excessive lowness doesn’t impress anybody because it’s supposed to be spelled “TOO” with 2 O’s.

i think the real question is, why do YOU care…?


kidding - There is a block button for a reason. :slight_smile:

well, if somebody knows me and make cracks, that’s one thing. But a total stranger just coming out of nowhere with that kind of crap sort of gets to me. I don’t even know why. lol

Yeah that’s pretty ghey. I’d just ignore him. You seem pretty cool. I can’t imagine anybody wanting you off the board. :tup:

can’t spell…

has beef with random people on nyspeed…

has screen names and user names people dont recognize…

nik pearlnecklace? :gotme:

Thanks! karma +1 :smiley:

wasnt me. if it were me…would I have blown you last night? I mean, cmon.

Okay, so that elimnates one suspect. :snky:

Haha I loved that shit. Was always nice to get a little digital pat on the back. :stuck_out_tongue:

If albino was off this board…

who would be creepy with me and post about boobs in the NWS section?!?!?!

Some turd IMs me once and a great while and says the same crap. Somebody’s mother hated them.

WORD! Though, I think I need to actually post the boobs, not just about them. lol

I never get any random IMs telling me to die in a fire. :frowning:

I cant see any reason why someone would have beef with you. But if i were u i might be curious as to who said that too.

i may be illiterat but it wasnt me`

Me niether bro, guess noone cares about Tauruses. :frowning:

I say we find who did it, then we poo on him, have someone video tape it, then post it in our own NWS section!!

^ LMAO, that would be sweet. :tup:

Find out who they are and kill their pets, that should put you about even :tup: