WTB: Cheap R200 Open Diff (Guts or Full Pumpkin)

Anyone have one they need taken away?

R200 Comes from s13, and s14 models…

So anyone who’s swapped recently let me know if you have one…



if the r 200 is whats in 240’s then you can have mine. its free


You’ve been PMed…

I’ve got another if you want it, or couldn’t grab his. It’s in Alliston.
edit: also free

I just threw one out… it had been sitting on the shelf of mssc for almost a year and no one wanted it… it was a bit roasty toasty but I think it still worked, oh well gone now.

I have an uber R200 diff that will be up for the grabbing. Actually I think I have 2. They both need to be removed though. I have LSDs waiting to go in, just too lazy/busy.

Both are short nose though … so I don’t think they’d be any use.