08 Z400

Looks like youre stuck with it like I am with my car so you might as well ride it.

We shouldve gone riding Saturday like we planned even without Mike.

Was too hot out mang! (Old man inside me talking)

i will give you one thousand, five hundred and seventy seven dollhairs for your 2008 suzuki Z400.

Gonna have to pass. Id set it on fire and watch it burn for fun for that price :lol

ill bring the gas

yeah, it was a bit hot but I still wouldve rode for a bit

is this you?


I was telling a kid at work about this quad, said he might be interested

Sweet, thanks man, let me know.

I cannot believe this thing is STILL for sale. When sold this thread needs to be moved to epic for the longest for sale thread everrrr

Seriously, idk wtf it is man… Its a clean, good running quad WELL under what its worth.

I heard Adam will give 10 handjobs to whoever buys this thing.


oh shit, I guess youre getting really desperate to make a sale


Im giving it away at this point

$200 less and you’ll be at the point i told you to be at in the first place!!


Please sticky this thread.

With warm regards,

you need to give these things away when there are 450’s

sucks, but true


LS1 > 5.0

Price Drop, $2900

I still want it bro, wish i had something worth trading. God damn things have an epic balance point.