1995 Audi S6 Avant Black/Black

I love it, but this wins for best audi wagon ever:

(slight price difference)

I made 360awhp with a 30R and bolt on’s (fmic, 3in turbo back exhaust, and a shitty $1500 pnp standalone ecu.). These are great cars, and this is an EXCELLENT example.


i prefer this one

this is wagon is hot, love Audi wagons

I put a class 1 hitch that can stay if new owner desires

Dude, you’re not going to sell it on this board, plain and simple. If it was a rotted out car for $500, people would ask if you would take $100 and only then, the fucking planets would have to be in perfect harmony and their innner spirit would have to be in a zen like state. Oh yea, and they’d also give you the “if you still have this in the spring”, or “if only it was 6 months from now” etc etc. People just fucking post to see their fucking stupid user names in a thread and their post count go up. I listed my 85 Ur on Audifans and a gent from Holland contacted me and the car is gone. Wired me my full asking price, didn’t jerk me around, was a legit buyer. Asked me if I’d take less for it and I said “No, you’re calling me from Holland for my car, you want this more then I need to sell it for less.” His response-“Very good, very good” “I’ve bought several Ur’s out of the states so this will go smoothly.” “Give me some info and you’ll have your money by the end of the week.” Fuck those assholes who want you to split shipping-what the FUCK is that shit about??? Fuck those faggots who want you to meet them half way to look at it. actually, fuck all those internet faggots. I didn’t even list pictures as I said right in the ad “if you know what this car is, you don’t need pictures just to see what it is and also don’t waste my time with stupid fucking questions.” “Buy it or don’t waste my time.” The guy who bought my car fucking set up EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, and he is on another continent so fuck those pussy faggots who are just time wasters.




Dang I was going to put the bike on the trading block.


local? Enthusiast? I’d hate to see a rare sled hacked up.