24 hour webcam of african watering hole

i think i see a antelope or something taking a poo in the far back???

Ive only seen a huge roach looking thing crawl across the lens. but I cant stop watching lol

zebras now…everytime i open it there is something

well its 2.49 am here…daytime in africa… and i dont see shit. lots of annoyin loud ass birds in the background tho :bigthumb: or monkeys…i dont know what it is

k its 330 and the camera is moving and zoomin in and out lookin at some antelope!! i thought live feed cameras didnt move

and some truck just drove by…might have been Quik?? didnt get a good look, it went by really fast

they could be moving it remotely. we can do that with out cameras for events.

anyone else not getting sound?

im not even getting picture anymore, says server wont load

hmmmmm mine will load and i get a still pic of the watering hole, but no sound. we probably crashed it hahaha

Well I can see a bird now so it’s working but still no sounds.

just loaded it now, some kind of ducks? but i have sound to

ZEBRAS, right now.

I guess sombody gets to sit and watch the monitors cause once tozebras showd up the cam started moving all around

hyinas coming for a fight …, nope they chased off the zebras thats all

i swear when I pull it up they change over to Pittsburghs wildlife… I never get to see anything special…ooo wait an owl close up…africa has owls??

yep…2.40am and i see a wilderbeast!!