200 pounds mother fucker! :rofl
At my strongest I could rack press 245 and Im still a fucking twig
200 pounds mother fucker! :rofl
At my strongest I could rack press 245 and Im still a fucking twig
I love people who think that fighting is all about what you can lift.
exactly what i was hoping to see someone say.
Idk you but, Your literally the biggest faggot EVER.and your face pisses me off
oh and I found your other mug shot faggot
Here’s shift518 in a nutshell:
Why? Cause people stick up for there friends?
:rofl Its hilarious because its true
Friends do not = acquaintances.
Of course it’s true. DeathbyRT cannot see it because he is trapped under his own hood with his headphones blaring.
I consider laduke and Death to be my friends… as well as several others on this site.
The only friend I have on this site is crazyz250 who I’ve known for over 10 years. The rest of you are acquaintances or annoyances.
haha you might be able to make some friends too if you stop basing your life around doing drugs and alcohol, then going on the internet and telling everyone about it.
No one cares what you have to say…
The basis for shift518 meets:
I don’t base my life around drinking and doing drugs, but I do enjoy over exaggerating about using them on here and on other forums in order to see people’s reactions. My life is based around family and getting a masters degree in Accounting from a very good school. I have an excellent group of friends, not acquaintances, that I can rely on and have helped me get through a rough patch in my career. The rest of you can go fuck yourselves for all I care.
Haha… yaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I would say about 50% of your posts involve some form of substance, I’m not saying that I don’t drink… but your a little obsessed. Do you even have your bachelors yet?
Dude just because I write about it doesn’t mean I am actually doing it. I also write about beating the SHIT out of my car and other outrageous things but that doesnt mean I actually go through with it. If I cared about what someone thought about my actions, I’d tell my father (or mother), not some propellerhead on the internet.
So then your just writing a bunch of lies on the internet? Unlikely. Seriously go back and read your posts and threads for that matter. Here are some of the subjects alcohol/pot/anti-depressants/other prescription meds.
No, but you’re failing to see the exaggeration in a lot of them.
I thought posting up lies and stroking my ego was the entire point of using the internet
It was, until 12 year olds figured out how to use it and they started taking things they browsed seriously.
You just admitted your lieing on the internet.