277hp Turbo LS Coupe


It’s pretty late, can you hear your parents fucking???


Zachs right ear looks like a car coming down the street with its door open.

He benches 200… watch yourself.

Zachary is a ugly mother fucker.

He’s strong as fuck though.

It’s ok, I’m a lil guy myself and can run fast.

I saw him up at Synapse throwing a Jeep around like it was a 5lb dumbell

OHHHH I’m sorry I meant your acquaintance.


If there’s any change missing, I’m gonna fucking drop kick him in his big ass ear.

dude has a cusack ear!


Kid looks like a pale Jeremy bradt


this thread, i like


I love how some tool who post’s so much bull shit is getting butt hurt because his retard brother just got pointed out for doing some thing stupid. Bro no one on this site is innocent of any thing. Your brother just hangs out with one of the bigger tools in Colonie and got butt fucked for it so stop sticking up for him. I will be the first to admit I have had my fair share of arrests by Colonies finest for stupid shit I did when I was young


:+1 I lol’d hard