weekly bump…
may consider parting 5-speed items…
weekly bump…
may consider parting 5-speed items…
bump from the second page…
no interest for a nearly new clutch/PP/throw out bearing?
Tranny available seperatley…
VLSD, 175XXXkm did I mention open diff’s are weak-sauce
non-hicas S13 rear subframe available soon (2-3weeks)—nobody?
is that my old subframe?
that one there is Bing’s, which is going out for powder/box welding,
then replacing your old subframe which is the one that is for sale…
how much to ship to winnipeg man? (THIS IS NOT SCOOBY) i am intrested. and i will pay shipping cost’s.
Shipping to winnepeg, special price due to special circumstances, my ex-stepfathers route (transport truck) is T.O.-> Winnepeg
$100 (shipping) for 5-speed/VLSD package…
special pick-up arrangments apply
pg3 bump
5speed parts + tranny sold =)
payment issues pending, 5-speed package on its way back from winnepeg,
bah, i spoke to soon
Clutch disc/PP/Clutch Slave have been sold to myself.