9/10 1:00 PM CRASH The Sheridan Drive Nostalgia Cruise

Why would anyone even want to crash this? Us car guys need to stick together. This is the first time that I can remember where there will be a police escort for a cruise. You can bet your ass there will be a news station or two there also. The smoother this event runs, the better off ALL car enthusiasts around here will be.Think about how many other restaurants or whatever around here could support a cruise night, but don’t because they don’t see any money in it. Then tell them about the 200+ cars that packed Pautlers after the cruise, and the thousands of dollars made there. A big ruckus with some shit cars interrupting is EXACTLY like drunk assholes who fly through Mighty Taco yelling shit at us. We are just hanging out doing our thing not bothering anyone. If you feel so against the cruise then find something else to do and let the cruisers do their thing, they aren’t bothering anyone.