A few updated NYSpeed FAQ

How do I get over this bout of throat cancer without having to see the doctor?

How do I get out of a 160 in a 20 ticket?

How much does a TV at Best Buy cost? Do they have it in stock? What’s their warranty? Will you hold my hand?

^ roffle


Will someone ban me because I can’t get off the computer?

So I got pulled over by this cop in boston AGAIN!!!

Karma icon = cauliflower?

Who’s sending penis.jpg to dawn?

Seriously guys. This cop is harassing me. I’ve never done anything wrong. Ever.

How much is sheetrock, because apparently google is broken and my dog ate the phone book

Where’s the best place to get something that costs less than $10 dollars?

I have $15k. What car should I buy?

was on xxx highway and saw another car and it was awesome and i was like hay guy wanna go on the next light and hes all like theres no lights on the highway so we get off on xxx and we line up at the light and then he’s all like go on green and then his cougar smoked me and my gf in my grandam so then we went on zee highway again and roll raced and lost and then i won then he lost then i lost and it was so cool and im not running right so i wanna run again when i get new stuff and am faster anyone on here?

saw this car driving down the street…are you on here?

yea that was me.

Are you ok? ^^^^

i crashed your bike, is it ok that i told you about it on here?

im ok though.

i think i saw the crashed bike. if it’s still there next week, i’m going to scrap it.

Dawn is NOT hot



send me a picture of you…you can me my new AVATAR!

that’s not what you said last night.