A little some thing to celebrate

Yea just throw down on the keg you pussy

Oh yea I just got the “lewt bucket”

:cry: but 40’s are more fuuuuuuuuuuuun

I’ll bring the water.

MLK has changed your life :lmao


Fiji water son. Thats how I roll.

You give up drinkin? Not that ya do alot anyways :lol

Ehh, maybe I’ll have a juicy juice or two.

Atta boy! :thumbup

Just bring Stoli Raz, he can’t resist. :excited

Nah itll make a mess for me to clean


:frowning: but i waaannaaaaaaaa :cry:

:lol very true!

You’re all excited just thinking about it!

So are there gonna be broads comin?

<<<Don’t ask this guy. I knowz nothing about foreign womenz.

:gay Bring that chick from your work :lol

Im bringing 8 models.

the fucking site was down!!! wtf did i miss?