A little some thing to celebrate

Sully has to get this god damn civic out of here for parking purposes

We are gonna try to limit this to the basement so my shit dont get destroyed

call Red and have it crushed

I thought this was a Haiti-style party. There will be nothing left when we are done.

So we have ourselves and old fashioned mix off?

Ima donate it to haiti

No ones allowed up up stairs. That shits off limits and will be wired up to a shot gun

That we do good sir, that we do. I shall see you at dusk Friday. Be prepared!

Oh ok, throwin a little Saw4 action up in this motha fucka.

Them fuckers would probably make a boat out of it and try to come here.

Yea dont need the dogs to be disturbed.


Ill see about it.
I really need to shake this fucking head cold Ive had since last weekend.

Lmao this will be beyond epic. Paul, you better come!


Lmao they are going to be locked up stairs

QUAKE will shake it right out!!

The quake may be used to strip my drive way

Well hopefully I wont still feel like shit by Friday. I think Ive already coughed up one lung and cant afford to cough up the other one.

i have a personal day for saturday. let the festivus begin