aiming for 10 red squares can i do it!!!!!

the best way to start NOT being an idiot on shift would be to do just that.

post shit you would only say in person, to that person… which is probably a stranger since you might not know everyone on here…

btw your way past 6 squares now

i took a look at your rep and saw everyones comments… to be honest i have to agree with all the comments left for you and have to say that your rep was not abused by anyone and totally legit… you def have the rep of an idiot right now…

your OP is retarded btw… i’de edit that

How the fuck do i keep getting dragged into this???
Talk about being constantly singled out!!!

I fore one dont give shit about spelling. especially if thats how u get respect. intertnet = giant video game and i really dont give a fuck about games that much to go back and proof read every detail. If this be the case , i will spell every thing incorrectly constantly for now on.

There isn’t nothing i’ve ever posted that i wouldn’t say to someone’s face. THATS HOW I ROLL.

As far banning i know it wasn’t directly , directed towards me.

This pretty much some’s it up for me. Bullshit’s getting old. this response is in general to all and just how i feel about it. not just to this thread but all ,to do with o/t thread and every thing with pointing the “3” of us out constantly !!!

What do you mean…“YOU people??”

wow ,thats nice the same 3 peeps keep gettin ragged on .even when i try to behave so ya know what fuck it im gonna stay the way i was

hank, john. kleenex, or puffs??

yall come out with some random stuff, but its NOTHING like what this kid says. both of your posts 90% of the time are atleast mildly entertaining…

edit:: singh i agree, his negative rep comments are spot on, and -758 rep points… good god. :rofl

RELAX dont get a big DICK :rofl no one is gonna ban you, u get on the other mods / admins nerves at times , idk why, but i love the posts :number1

keep bein hank, but calm down with the ban me shit :retardclap



NO kleenex or puffs. maybe u could just come on over a hold me and lend me ur shoulder to cry. that would make me feel and maybe a lil warm and fuzzy inside too.:hug

Singh i’m not all worked. the last thing i get bent out of shape about is the internet.:thumbup

okay :slight_smile: whatever man just be happy !

Can i get a fiery Hawiian pizza and one of those chicken alfredo bread bowl things please


i had some cheese chilly with chilli sauce just now, or before i mean

call if you’re in Glens Falls.

i haz some californa rolls about an hr ago.

seriously IM DONE with asking for neg reps and yes this post or thread was a total fail fail [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]there i said it and i agree with mk4 30r that this idea of “most red squares” makes me look like an imbasol so please [COLOR=red]dont give me random neg points for the heck of it. it was a stup[id idea on my parts please [COLOR=lime]pos rep its much nicer thanks…[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]

neg rep, it’s to late man, your on the neg train to hell

hhahaahhahaa thread locked

forward all admin abuse to someone who cares

z28 follow the advice i gave u in the PM kthxbai

hahah singh. this kid is a retard