anyone goin out tonite?

didnt wanna go off topic so I pm’d you bout this!:ninja

any off topic PM’s will be moderated with the necessary actions in place

its time to take the site back

gl with that shit. the only way that’s gonna happen is to just start permantly banning people. i’ll volunteer to go first.:thumbup

lol @ “taking back the site.” i agree with harold… people are gonna do what they are gonna do… he’s right, your probably gonna just have to ban everyone.

Anyone gonna head out tonight? (Sunday)?

yep. either that or ill cruise to sonic.

I was gonna go up to LG again, but I’ve probably gone through a solid 1.5-2 tanks of gas this weekend :rofl

if the weather holds out, i’ll be down to cruise down to sonic around 4-5pm

Fuck it, highway miles are easy miles for your car. Better than stunting around town chewing your clutch up in stop n go traffic.

I am going to nap away this hangover and then when I wake up I may pick up some slutz and rip it to Sonic. woo!

Probably not tonight. Ive gotta work tomorrow at 6:45.

I’m going to work.Bullshit.

I never get monday holidays off with pay

I’d go out tonight if it’s nice.

uh yea i wont be doing any banning, we got other dedicated moderators to do that job, i’ll be doing more important shit like making OT posts in OT threads

now once i find out if OT is on topic or off topic…


what??? where???

in kingston…i may go out if others do

Just went to Sonic…I’ve officially put over/about 1,000 miles on my car this weekend

nice to hear its running good for you

ill come out tonight

anyone wanna meet at the gland wash ina bit, car got dirty last night

Id be down for a ride on a weekend afternoon/night.

Does Kingston have a lot like we do?

Me, LKSi, and Murrdog went and washed the Integra and Civic and then cruised by the lot to find 0 cars. :rofl :wtf

Knew we should’ve stayed in Kingston. Talked to some dude with a NASTY Evo while we were down there and said they were meeting up tonight :banghead