anyone know this girl off college humor

I don’t know… you could ask myself,or newman,or beck…

I think beck actually had a nickname for her. :nono:

haha yeah i’m not the one who needs to give a back story.
wasn’t there a myspace group at one point? that’s what i heard.
meh whatever. i don’t have a problem with her.

But to agree with everyone else. she is a cutie

oh niagara. i miss that school.

and lol on #1



haha. FAIL. Been there, done that.
She dated wickedcivy for a long time.

in pics: 8-9

IRL: 5-6

Brian… you met her. She went to blown Euros w/ us.

Ahhhh it all clicks now.

I’d throw it in her. :tup:
anything with legs you’d throw it in.

dont ust that weeman too much it will get lame.

hmm the picard one didn’t get lame just thought id throw a new face in there sick of seeing a tall bald guy figured id change it up

the girl that drove the BMW? fawk… im out…

What wouldn’t you throw it in…

haha, does my numeric description fit?

yea, hence why i didnt recognize her from the pics until i just went back and studied them again… she seems like would still be fun to toss around

so how about some back story to this girl?
because for those of us that don’t know im sure we’d all love to!

haha. there is no backstory. i dated her for like 8 days, then i was hanging out with a way hotter girl at a BAO meet and marissa showed up as i was leaving with the hot girl. She came up to the window, i was like “it’s not what it looks like…pause… ok, it is. Peace.” It was kind of funny. I still talk to her once in a while and we joke about it.

yea… she seems like a fun girl to hang out with … beyond that im not so sure
