Anything fast in here?

lol you have awd and your scared to go from a dig?


You own your own track? If so, where is said track and does it have Asian models spray painting the start line?

Holy crap Krazy we found your father:hug

and what do you drive?
looks CUTE from the pic

Not just cute…its adorable :thumbup

Oh it is. Loves to be rear ended too.

looks like my fucking winter beater!

i’ve got an awd car too but i like to dig race

Its probably way cooler

sweet hows it go?

lol, i actually never defended roll racing. but if you want to assume, then whatever floats your boat buddy.

You can tell this guy is out to make friends huh? :retardclap

goes hard. harder then whatever you probably got.

i have a dodge scamp, and a fox body. what u got?

LOL im just looking to see if there were any fast street cars in the area thats all.

got eemmm

lol doubt that very much.But im open to all challanges

Oh no he didnt