Anything fast in here?

clifton park.

seriously, if your going to show up with some Jalopy that isnt worth my gas, Im just going to leave. Dont waste my time. Your on here running your mouth, yet your not saying what type of car you even own.

yah, no money. I dont need it.

the issue, is that you came on here with guns blazing, and you have acted nothing short of dodgey, shady, and have come across as the biggest prick on this forum… thats the issue

Drew, ill film.

I think its worth running.If not it will be an easy $100 bucks right?

Im not even going to come out tho unless this dude post up a pic and a mod list of his ride…because as of right now, I havent seen anything but a big mouth.

Smells like bacon in here.

im not a fuckin cop.
i dont run for free
$100 is change

He wont, were 160 some odd posts in and ive seen no pixxxxxx


yeah numberonekillr, you really cant expect anybody on the internet to come meet you and race for anything, if you dont post your ride, and at least some mods. thats just not how it works man. your challenges and claims have no merit here. sorry dude

LOL funny
Backing out?


sounds like a tarp

LOL, own a car worth me coming out? I need more then your word about it…need PROOF. As of right now, you just are flapping your gums.

no, you are actually. c’mon man. all ya gotta do is post up your ride. then its on. thats all you have to do, and if you cant do that, then you loose by default.

lol mclaren actually made a funny!

Admiral ackbar says its a tarp


This thread delivers sort of