Anything going on tonight?

i call bullshit:clap

no bullshit here… all facts… i wish i had batteries in the camera

im calling bullshit too

oh really steve? r u coming out tomorrow? u can ask for ur self

if i get my ass up in the morning then yes…its 2 am and i just opened my second beer whoooo knows

lol i had 5 beers and 6 smirnoffs tonight… in an hour…

Btw, pants and shorts came off tonight too… no lie

the tC alone didnt win them over, took booze?




hey mcFAG ill see you in jerz tomorrow.

the tC won them over back a month ago… the booze was for me.

and i ran outta beer and i was still thirsty and there was a case of cold smirnoff :ninja

hey kramer… wanna detail my truck? lol

But seriously who else goes out there in the rain? Negative for a reason in this case.