attn 8.1 crew

sorry that i like doing things with my gf and try to include her in things like hang out with my friends. but since they dont like her obviously and dont call me back or just flat out dont tell me whats goin on, what the hell am i supposed to do?

and if they come up with the thing that i dont come to the garage anymore, thats because my parents pretty much have me doing stuff around the house all the time anymore. but i’m not even going to try to explain myself cause its not like anyone is goin to believe me anyways. i’m done…

i still :love:u!!!

:hug: thanks guy


riiiiiight… youre gonna try to “hangout” with us once every month and think everything is sweet? Please, dont do us any favors by gracing us with your presence. Im not going to discuss this on a goddamn message forum. I’m sorry i even brought it up.

well done jon,

